Diabetes Tasmania's PolliePedal will cycle for the 16th time around Tasmania in 2021.
Since 2006, we have cycled over 4,500km and raised over $740,000. PolliePedal is not only a fundraiser which helps us to; continue our education programs, run our type one kids camps, advocate for all Tasmanians living with diabetes, promote a healthy and active lifestyle for all Tasmanians, run education sessions for a range of health care professionals so they can improve the care of their patients living with diabetes, run community awareness programs, donate to the national Diabetes Australia Research Program and more; it also allows us to raise awareness in the local communities we visit about; the seriousness of diabetes, breaking the stigma associated with diabetes, the benefits of leading a healthy and active lifestyle, showing others living with type one diabetes that anything is possible as we have cyclists riding with us who live with type one diabetes. It has become our most important event of the year.
In Tasmania there are approximately 85,000 people who are either living with diabetes, living with silent, undiagnosed diabetes or are at high risk of developing diabetes, and with a population of just on 520,000 that could be as high as 1 in 6 effected by diabetes and then there is the flow on to family, friends, carers, and colleagues.
Your support is needed now more than ever.
PolliePedal attracts participants from all over Australia, from all walks of life but, all have something in common: the love of cycling and helping our cause. Many of them return year after year to catch up with friends met along the way, to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery Tasmania has to offer and of course enjoy the fun of this boutique 3 day charity bike ride.
If you would like further information on PolliePedal and how you can be involved as either participant, supporter or sponsor, please contact Ange, Fundraising | Marketing Coordinator via aheadlam@diabetestas.org.au. Our website will also give you more information about diabetes and Diabetes Tasmania.