To everyone who took 5 Simple Steps Towards Justice with us through the virtual Polar Peace March, thank you for your time, energy and dedication to the youth and families served by UCAN. Through your efforts, we surpassed our goal and received a $50,000 match!
In case you missed it, here is the virtual 2021 Polar Peace March program:
2021 Polar Peace March went virtual due to COVID-19. Supporters created fundraising pages and marched around their neighborhoods with masks and signs to raise awareness and money for the violence prevention work of UCAN.
Founded over 150 years ago, UCAN has grown into a multifaceted social service organization serving over 21,000 youth and families each year. UCAN's vision - youth who have suffered trauma can become our future leaders - is realized through its focus on compassionate healing, education and empowerment, which offers youth a sense of opportunity and hope for the future. UCAN believes that inspiring young people will help to break cycles of violence, abuse and neglect and help them become advocates for change in their communities.
For more information, please reach out to Rebecca Sandoval at