Plymouth Veterans and Family Hub started in October 2019 and is part of the long-established organisation, Improving Lives Plymouth.
The hub has a designated caseworker who provides information and advice to veterans and their families, makes assessments of need, develops support plans with clients and assists them to claim any benefits they are entitled to. The caseworker also works with partner organisations to deliver the required support.
Caring can be vary isolating. The hubs Caring for Carers Coordinator supports carers by providing carers assessments and reviews, practical support and helps carers to cope and take care of themselves. The Veterans Carers Support Group meets on the first Thursday of every month and provides emotional support, a chance to talk to other people who understand the pressures of being a carer and time away from their caring roles.
Plymouth Veterans and Family Hub provides an array of social activity from Friday morning Brew and Banters to regular therapeutic art sessions, mindfulness, baking, bingo, craft and water sports sessions to name just a few. Where possible we also try to run a range of other activities and day trips throughout the year. Details of social events are published regularly on this page and our weekly newsletter.
The Hub has an outstanding working relationship with a range of partner organisations, agencies and charities in which we are able to refer into and work collaboratively with to ensure that you are getting the help, advice and support that you need.