Clear Sky provides early, age appropriate Play & Creative Arts Therapy services to vulnerable children when they need it most. These children (usually between 4-12 years old) have experienced:
Family breakdown
Parents in prison, with substance abuse issues or with mental health issues
Traumatic experiences (e.g. car accident, fire etc.)
Domestic violence
Sadly, this list is not exhaustive. As a result, these children often struggle with:
Emotional and behavioural difficulties
Mental health difficulties
Challenging behaviour
Learning difficulties
Working with schools across Oxfordshire and beyond, our team of fully qualified therapists deliver our frontline therapeutic services including one-to-one or group Play & Creative Arts Therapy. Play & Creative Arts Therapy gives children a safe space to enable them to explore past or present traumas to work towards becoming happy children who love life and enjoy school.
During the Coronavirus crisis our services are a vital part of schools efforts to continue to support these children through this difficult and confusing time.