This Christmas we are asking for your support to enable us to introduce a much-needed service: psychological support for the pituitary community. Over the past few years, we’ve seen an overwhelming increase in the number of people who call the Endocrine Nurse Helpline in need of support with their mental health. Currently, we are required to signpost callers to other organisations that can help. However, we want to be there to help support everyone in their hour of need, whether that be regarding medical queries or psychological support.
We would like to team up with Rareminds, a company that provides mental health support services to anyone affected by a rare disease. They provide timely access to highly specialised professional services and work in partnership with rare disease charities to offer individual and group counselling/psychotherapy, workshops and psychoeducational resources. Their clinical team is made up of counsellors and psychotherapists. They have received additional training in the extensive psychosocial, physical and mental health challenges faced by those diagnosed with a rare disease