We need your help! We have some amazing feats of strength and creativity so far, but we need more!
Cycle from Windsor to London - Bobby, Drakes
An all-day Thames cycle - Jasmin, Drakes and Zayn, Puffins
Sponsored silence - Felix, Drakes
A drawing a day - Kerem, Drakes
10km of steps per day in June - Gwyneth, Drakes
4km run every weekend - Dion, Drakes
50km bike ride - Henry, Drakes
24 hour silence - Unity, Puffins
Walking backwards down Church Lane - Chloe, Puffins
Write letters to 10 friends/ family - Harriet, Puffins
15 minutes of silence - Brody, Puffins
Climbing Snowdon - Ethan, Puffins
Play Mary had a little lamb on the piano x10 - Alaz, mother of Gamze, Puffins
Learning tram stops Wimbledon to Beckenham Junction - Max, Puffins
Running 100km during June - Sandra, mother of Sonya, Kingfishers
4 x 1 mile runs with Mummy - Hugo, Robins
1000 basket ball bounces - Charlie, Drakes
Practicing guitar every day - Eliza, Penguins
Finishing beginner's piano book - Paula, mother of Eliza, Penguins
11k perimeter run around Richmond Park - George, Kestrels and Tom, Robins
Learning world cuisines by cooking 20 recipes from the Pelham Little Chefs Cookbook - Hiromi, mother of Misaki, Robins
Not only will this be good fun, it will help the school with much-needed funds.