Pakistan has officially reached calamity point.
Since June, the countrys been flooded with almost 3x its normal rainfall. The government has declared 66 districts are calamity-hit. The death toll has reached 1,033, with 1,527 injured and more than 900,000 homes destroyed or damaged. Like you, we think these numbers are horrifying but by working together, we can send more resources to help the survivors.
What we can do about it
We work closely with an organisation in Pakistan who can deliver supplies in emergencies like this. They take guidance from the Provincial Disaster Management Authority to despatch the necessary aid to the right regions.
After losing their homes, people are in desperate need of family tents, tarpaulins, hygiene kits, first aid kits, and (after wading through high waters) clothes and shoes. Flood-waters also carry dangerous diseases, so water hygiene kits can offer a lifeline.
As well as buildings, the flooding has damaged livelihoods, affecting 2 million acres of crops. Farmers who depend on that land for income have been dealt a huge blow. Well be delivering food supplies to provide interim security for their families.
To do this... we need you!
Support our amazing team in Pakistan and get crucial supplies to people who need them. Well use your donations to deliver tents, hygiene kits, clothes and shoes to people who have lost their homes in the floods.