South East Cancer Help Centre in Purley provide individual and group support, complementary therapies and information to people affected by cancer, within a friendly and caring environment. Anyone affected by cancer in the last three years can become a member. That includes you if your family, partner or close friend has had cancer and it has affected your well being.
We offer our members a wide range of ways to help them cope with the stress cancer brings. As a self referral service you don`t need to join via your GP.
We tailor our services to help each individual and all services are confidential.
We offer amongst other services:
Talking therapies (online, on the phone and in person)
One-to-one Therapies; Massage, Reflexology, Hairdressing, Reiki, Beauty
Group Therapies
Support Groups
Group Activities: Drama, Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Arts & Crafts, Tai Chi
Supportive advice (Nutritionist, Hair and Wig fitting advice)
We receive no funding from the NHS or Government, and are entirely funded by donations. It costs us £600 a year to help each new member and we currently have over 600 members.
What is Paint Purley Purple all about?
This October our Awareness Month aims to inform local people about our Charity and educate people to become a member, encourage individuals to volunteer and help us raise funds to support our work.
You may have seen in previous years we have "painted Purley purple".
Shops decorate their windows with Purple displays and purple knitting and bunting adorns lamp posts and benches in Purley town centre.
Want to join in and help someone cope with cancer?
Share our posts on social media, put our posters up in your window. Check out our website for more info on how to join in