Make a lasting impact on the education and understanding of ostomy care at the John Radcliffe Hospital and Churchill Hospital, Oxford.
We are fundraising for an Ostomy Advanced Anatomy Model, a vital tool to help educate healthcare professionals and also patients as they embark on a colostomy or ileostomy bag journey.
An ostomy is a life-changing surgical procedure that involves creating an opening in the body for the discharge of bodily waste. The Ostomy Advanced Anatomy Model we aspire to purchase goes beyond traditional educational tools. It is a sophisticated, state-of-the-art model that accurately replicates the human anatomy, providing an unparalleled learning experience for healthcare professionals, students, and individuals living with ostomies.
Using a simple colour coding system for the various digestive tract organs, the model can help patients better understand the workings of their digestive system and urinary tract. An end or loop colostomy and ileostomy can be demonstrated, along with a urostomy and gastrostomy tube replacement to help empower patients on how to remove and insert a pouch or tube to improve confidence and skill.
For individuals living with ostomies, having a tangible and accurate model can be a powerful tool for self-education and empowerment. It enables patients to better understand their own anatomy, fostering a sense of control and confidence in managing their unique healthcare needs.
* If we achieve our objectives or circumstances change then all extra funds raised will be used to support the nursing team.