Our website, https://www.english.op.org, is an important platform for the preaching mission of the Dominican friars. From our base in the UK, we reach a global audience, sharing weekly homilies via Torch and wide-ranging reflections on Christian beliefs and culture via Godzdogz . However, the technology our website is built upon will not be supported in a year's time, so we must transfer it over to WordPress, a robust and proven website platform that we use for our other websites.
This will also be an opportunity for us to freshen up the website design, and make it easier for us to incorporate more closely recent developments such asGodzdogz's very popular YouTube channel.
The Covid-19 crisis has hit our income very hard: this year we have lost hundreds of thousands of pounds of income from the closure of churches and then the limitations on Mass attendance. Despite the generosity of many people, this income has not been replaced by online giving.
That's why we are asking you, our friends, if you could help us pay for these essential website works.
* If we achieve £3,000, that will enable us to transfer the website to the new platform and make a few small design changes
* If we achieve £5,000, that will enable us to undertake a full design refresh of the website and greatly improve the experience of visitors.
We know that these are difficult times, and we recognise the many demands on your resources. However, we believe that if all those who have benefited from our online ministry could come together and support this appeal, this will be a realistic and achievable target.
For example, to achieve £3,000, we just need 3 donors giving £1,000 each, or 30 donors giving £100 each, or 60 donors giving £50 each. Whatever you think you could afford to give, we greatly appreciate your help!