Out and Proud African LGBTI (OPAL) is a self-help group of African LGBT refugees and asylum-seekers, formed in 2013 in the UK to stand for our inalienable rights.
This is an emergency appeal raising funds to help isolated and marginalised refugees and asylum seekers, during the CoViD-19 pandemic. Many of our community members are decimated by hostile environment policies - which not only forbid them from working, but also exclude them from recourse to public funds, thus rendering them helpless. This amounts effectively to institutional racism, since it disproportionately affects those seeking protection from Africa. Within our own African communities in the UK, we are also the most stigmatised individuals, since their homophobia is as deeply rooted here as in our countries of origin.
Without resources, our hands are bound, and there is not much we can do to support our members. Covid19 exacerbated the already impoverished condition of our community members. It is for this reason we appeal for your generosity to allow us to support our community members, among the most excluded people in Britain today.
How shall we spend the funds? We shall provide emergency relief (sustenance or rent) to community members bearing the brunt of the Covid19 crisis. In case we exceed our target for donations, and the CoViD-19 diminishes (fingers crossed!), we hope to provide members with mentoring sessions to build confidence and stand up for their rights, and to provide funds for legal support, Peer to Peer Support, Online Outreach, and Telephone Support.