This campaign aims to raise money for the salaries of the dedicated staff at the Queen Elizabeth Academy, a primary school in Mlali, a village in rural central Tanzania. Together, the 25 staff teach, cook, clean, grow vegetables, provide safety, counsel, give confidence, advise families, empower, provide transport, make budgets, oversee building work and generally make sure that the students at the school are happy, healthy and learning.
The Queen Elizabeth Academy provides quality education to over 270 children, many of whom would not be able to access it otherwise. Founded in 2008 by a local teacher, Kilines Sekwiha, the school’s mission is to provide access to education to children in the area who are living with the effects of HIV/Aids and poverty. It is a school deeply rooted in its community. It was founded and continues to be managed by Kili and her team of teachers, alongside a school committee made up of parents and community members.
We aim to raise enough to ensure salaries for all of the staff for six months. In the meantime, the school continues to work on its plan for financial sustainability. It's their aim to pay all of the salaries with local income...we're just making sure the kids can continue learning in the meantime!. You can read more about their sustainability plans here -
You can learn more about the QEA, the community and meet one of the teachers here -
Thank you so much for your support and solidarity!