One-Eighty is an organisation committed to supporting vulnerable young people in Oxfordshire and neighbouring counties. This remains a fundamental aspect of our ethos, and a motivation to ensure the wellbeing of those we work with, despite the threat of COVID-19.
Our work is essential, interventions in normal circumstances (independent of COVID-19) are focused on supporting looked after children, young people with SEND, mental health needs, educational / learning, emotional, social, and behavioural needs. Our proven and highly-regarded approach to supporting vulnerable young people with complex personal challenges continues to lead the way for voluntary services across Oxfordshire.
The underlying concerns for these young people are now heightened with the threat of the virus on our society, so we see our organisation as crucial to try to contain and support these young people to the best of our skilled-abilities.
We remain open but are risk assessing staff and our ability to undertake face-to-face versus remote sessions daily to ensure the health and safety of everyone.
We are also pulling together robust plans to enable the continuation of support but utilising alternative practices and technology.
To do this, we need your support to ensure we are able to continue to adapt to the ever-changing advice whilst still ensuring our support of vulnerable young people and families is our priority.