There are so many ways that you can raise money for a worthy cause, charity or organisation that youre passionate about. There are thousands of people and hundreds of charities striving to raise money for their work every day, in a huge variety of ways.
Fundraising is a unique, easy way for anybody of any age to get involved in supporting their charity of choice. From taking part in a marathon, to the mess of a mud run; from a sponsored silence, to a school bake sale, Fundraising can take many forms.
Whatever you feel like doing, whatever creative spark you can come up with to raise awareness and whatever technique you think will grab peoples attention, theres a way of doing it. Your fundraiser can be as unique and creative as you are.
OCD Action and OCD Youth rely on the generosity of those who give their time, effort and money to keep our tireless charitable mission to raise awareness and provide support for those living with OCD, BDD and related disorders going.
This year, we would love for young people, those living with OCD or those whose lives have been affected directly or indirectly by OCD and, of course, anyone who fits all of the above to help us spread awareness and remove the stigma which still surrounds mental health.
Want to join this campaign? Simply set up a fundraising page through the "Start Fundraising" button above! Or, if you want to simply make a donation, click the "Donate" button to the right. Thank you so much!