Every two years we hold a sponsored walk in aid of Norley Village Hall. The money raised goes towards the upkeep and running costs of the Hall. The hall is run by a team of volunteers, and relies on fundraising events (such as the Walk), rental charges, an annual "100 Club" and charitable donations to keep going.
There are a wide rage of users of users of the hall, both in terms of activities and of ages - it has been used to host events to celebrate Christenings as well as the regular "Wednesday Club" for older members of the community. We have Yoga and keep fit classes, Dog training, and a local band uses the committee room for regular band practices.
Without your generous support, the hall would have to close.
Over recent years, the money raised has meant we have been able to redecorate the hall, and buy new curtains; refit the toilets, and fix numerous leaks in the roof. Our latest project is to refurbish the kitchen and bar area.
Thanks once again for your support.