A child needs a balanced diet to fully develop both mentally and physically and in partnership with MCSPA (a Catholic missionary community whose mother house is in Turkana) we aim to support the running of 18 Turkana nurseries proving food and education food for six days a week all year round. Can you help us feed 400 of the 2000 children we aim to support??
It costs as little as £5 per month to feed a child 2 meals a day 6 days a week enabling them to receiving the nutrition they need and deserve.
Another vital task at our nurseries is to provide an early education which will encourage the parents to be more likely to send their child to primary school which is key to further development in the region. Overall, it costs on average £80 per year per child to attend our nurseries.
Can you please help - every penny counts. Gift Aid adds even more to ensure your donation changes lives. These children very much need your help.
Thank you so much for considering whether you will help us in this difficult time and ensure there is no break in the service we offer to the children in Turkana, Northern Kenya.