Thank you EVERYONE who supported our Night Without A Bed Fundraiser!
Thanks to YOU we raised over $30,000!
Our Families lives will be changed because of YOU!
When you make the decision to support Family Promise of Greater Phoenix through Night Without A Bed, you are helping to ensure that no child will need to worry where they will sleep tonight.
No child ever dreams that they might face homelessness, that they will need to sleep in a car, on a sofa, in a park, or on the street. Unfortunately, for children in America, this has become the norm not the exception. So let's come together. Let's do the right thing. Let's ensure that when our children lay their heads down for the night, they are in a warm bed with a roof over their heads and their dreams are full of promise and hope!
So we challenge you to spend the night without a bed, challenge your friends to do the same, and donate to the cause. Join our virtual pillow fight against family homelessness! #jointhepillowfight
Join us for a live virtual event on June 20th 6-8 PM (PST) RSVP Here!