The Neurorehabilitation Unit (NRU) provides rehabilitation for people over the age of 16 with the most severe life-changing brain and spinal cord disorders.
People admitted to the unit have a range of disorders including the most severe form of stroke (which may have required neurosurgery to remove a large part of their skull to allow the brain to swell and recover), traumatic brain or spinal cord injuries, brain tumours, infections of the brain (encephalitis or meningitis) or inflammatory brain disorders, such as catastrophic relapses due to multiple sclerosis.
Many of the patients are young and in work or have the responsibility of a young family. It is essential, therefore, to work not only with them but also their families or carers to minimise the impact their devastating condition or injury has on them and the people around them.
The plan is to redevelop the NRU to improve both the working and clinical environment for patients and staff, but most importantly to the day room which is the main living space and hub of the unit.
Dr Val Stevenson, who is leading the project, is a consultant neurologist and the Clinical Director for Rehabilitation at The National Hospital. She says:
All of our patients and their families suddenly find themselves in an unexpected and extremely distressing situation. It is therefore vital that the environment of the NRU provides not only an effective clinical therapeutic space but also has a welcoming, relaxed feel where those affected can live the next two to six months of their lives. NHS resources are understandably directed at providing the best clinical input and the right staff skillset and numbers, given the extreme complexity of the patients cared for on the unit.
The redevelopment plan follows patient, family and staff feedback and is over and above what NHS funding could cover. Feedback from patients and families is consistently excellent regarding the staff and clinical treatment received, but often highlights issues such as the day room feeling cluttered, the lack of quiet or private space for people to spend time with their families, as well as the need for a designated play area for children who are visiting.
The high staff numbers sharing the space with 18 patients and their visitors can also be challenging as the NRU is a small space. Accessibility is crucial as most patients will, for a significant period of their stay, be in a wheelchair and this puts extra pressure on the demand for space. In addition, many patients have significant cognitive and communicative impairments and therefore the space must be easy to navigate and have clear designated areas for different functions. For example, having a quiet area where patients can enjoy time with their families and loved ones is essential at such an emotional time.
Likewise, the NRU can be a confusing place for families to visit. The redeveloped unit will include the creation of a reception area to allow our ward clerk to welcome and help visitors as they enter. This will also enable staff to monitor day room activity and who is leaving or entering the unit. This level of safeguarding is particularly crucial given the vulnerability of the many patients with cognitive impairments.
The National Brain Appeal has committed to provide £160,000 and is currently holding £40,000 in funds for this unit, which will be used for this project. The balance to raise is £120,000.