Have you considered how much walking and cycling plays a part of your life? Think about the positives it brings you, your family and friends.
More people moving in healthier, greener ways is good for everyone. Its as simple as that.
Empowering people to walk and cycle
You can help us to empower people to choose travel options which are beneficial to themselves, and our environment, communities and health.
Your support can help people take the first step
Obstacles such as lack of confidence, concerns over fitness levels, and bike access can all prevent people from taking that first step.
Our work is varied to help overcome these barriers. We are:
- working with communities to help people walk and cycle including through cycling training
- continuing our schools and workplaces programmes to encourage active travel choices
- helping key workers to travel safely and healthily.
You can help keep the momentum going
This year has proved just how important it is for everybody to be able to get active and move around in healthy and sustainable ways.
Together, we can keep the momentum going and help more people to enjoy walking and cycling.