The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: When a person dies, all their deeds end except three: a continuing charity, beneficial knowledge and a child who prays for them, (Hadith, Muslim).
With a population of 4 million people spread out over 5 thousand square miles, access to a healthcare facility is a major issue in Azad Kashmir. Those who do live near a healthcare facility are not able to afford expensive lifesaving treatments or find that the facility does not provide specialist services that they need.
To alleviate the pain of the suffering humanity in Azad Kashmir, KORT is building the largest hospital in AJK to provide free quality healthcare for all.
The project will include a 500-bed multidisciplinary hospital with a range of tertiary and secondary care services that will be introduced in stages.
The hospital will be built close to the existing KORT Educational Complex along Jatlan Road in Mirpur Azad Kashmir.
I am raising £5,400 towards the construction of this hospital as Sadaqah-e-Jariyah (continuous reward) for my Late Father Haji Muhammad Yaseen who departed this temporary world in December 2019.
Please donate Sadaqah & Lillah generously and help spread the word.
Please remember to tick the Gift Aid box if you are a UK Taxpayer as this will help with admin costs of the charity.