From the 22nd June, grab your trainers and help us, the Fishermen's Mission, on our virtual journey! We begin our trail in Newlyn, Cornwall, and head up for a grand 900 miles to Lerwick, Shetland. You can help us reach our goal during your daily exercise by tracking how many miles you cycle, walk, jog, dance, swim, sail, or hop - it all goes into the total! Watch our friendly fisherman mascot, Albert make his way along the trail thanks to a team effort and brilliant digital community spirit!
At the end of our collective 900 mile journey, to mark Fish Friday 3rd July 2020, we will be hosting a giant fish finger sandwich lunch on Zoom with guests including chefs Nathan Outlaw, Tom Brown and Jon and Caroline Cleave from Fishermen's Friends with a few fun fish finger sandwich recipes for you to download and try at home!
Why join in?
The current Coronavirus has had a significant impact on many professions, including the fishing industry. Fishing is already one of the most dangerous and precarious professions, with many pre-existing challenges that are only exacerbated by this health crisis. The Fishermen's Mission provides a lifeline for struggling fishermen and is the only national charity that works solely to help fishermen and their families. A pledge of as little as £1 for 1 mile could help chip into a weekly shop for a struggling family. At a time when we are unable to host physical fundraising events, it is digital fundraisers such as this that will help us help our fisher-folk through struggles, bereavement and ensure their physical and mental well-being.
Sign me up! How do I take part?
If you fancy turning your daily exercise into fun lockdown fundraising, you can take part in a number of ways. You can set up a fundraising page on JustGiving by clicking 'Start Fundraising' on the N2L campaign page. With your own page, you can set your mileage goal e.g. 20 miles in 7 days, and start collecting from friends and family by sharing your fundraising page on your Facebook profile, or other social media. Alternatively, use Facebook donations or your personal preference and we'll log your donations into our total on Just Giving. If you feel you can't manage that many miles, it's not a problem! If you'd only like to pledge a couple of miles, donate £2 with a message '2 miles' and we'll add them to our total. And, of course, you're welcome to donate without lifting a finger or toe, if you wish!
View details and find out more on our website