There is currently a national emergency in St Vincent as a result of the continuing eruptions of La Soufrière Volcano.
Approximately 17,000 citizens of St Vincent have been evacuated from their homes and are living in makeshift shelters and some are being transported off St Vincent to other neighbouring islands. In some parts of the island electricity is off, and the water supplies non-existent as the water is contaminated by ash. Fortunately due to an effective evacuation plan casualties have been very few to date. However, the situation from an economic and social point of view is potentially catastrophic in the weeks and months ahead.
The MCT's and The Mustique Company are working hard to help the situation in St Vincent in multiple ways: whether through delivery of much needed emergency supplies; medical supplies, such as nebulisers and asthma inhalers; fresh water; clothes and meals. We can only do this with the support of our friends.
So in advance we THANK YOU.