Minhaj ul Quran Walsall Masjid is situated in Alumwell Walsall and has been serving the local community for last 15 years Al hamdulillah
The mosque is very inclusive and welcome people from different ethnicities and various school of thoughts.
It was founded on the golden principles of Love of Allah, love of Messenger, love of the Quran, unity, women empowerment, peace and integration.
In last years, it has served local community by providing opportunities for daily and Friday prayers, children and young people education, advice centre,ID card services, matrimonial services, multi-faith dialogue and supporting local council and NHS projects.
With the growing need, we are building a new prayer hall which accommodates 600 people, mortuary, quiet space, viewing area. The total cost of the project is £180,000 including VAT.
The work required
Minhaj ul Quran International (Walsall) needs your support to help build a new masjid which will be able to accomodate 700 people along side mortuary, quiet space, viewing and funeral area.
The work required is :
Structural and building works
Aluminium doors and windows
Electricity and Lighting
Heating, Plumbing and air conditioning
Body viewing area
Suspended ceiling
New wall and ceiling joists