Put aside the fast cars, track days and the glamour our beneficiaries experience at our events. Our testimonials bring to life the incredible work Mission Motorsport does. Every one of the serving or former soldiers, sailors and airmen that engages with us goes on a journey that we hope changes lives, not only of the individual themselves but also their families.
The support network is massive, they help and give advice as much as they can or just be there to listen, what they do is priceless. They truly care and what they do makes a huge difference, we cant thank them enough.
Using Motorsport to engage with those typically harder to reach, enables us to provide light relief and support where it might otherwise be missed.
From sitting in my bedroom for months at a time and my family being worried about me all the time, they finally saw some happiness and thriving for something. They saw a smile on my face. The phrase 'Race, Retrain, Recover' really means a lot to me.