It is unbearable to live in our city without witnessing the pain of homelessness and hunger on our streets. The statistics are alarming: on average 1 person out of 20 is without a home, more than 50% of the population go through each day without enough money to pay for adequate food and other basic necessities. Fortunately, kind and compassionate individuals, such as yourself, understand the reality of these problems and feel compelled to contribute to the solution.
MLSS strive to eradicate hunger and continue serving humanity with love and compassion. For the past 9 years, MLSS has taken a clear and honest look at the problems of homelessness and hunger. Midland Langar Seva Society has been analysing the causes and conditions, establishing pragmatic and compassionate programs to relieve suffering, forging new methods of intervention, and advancing the fight for more support in the public and governmental sector really to try and help break the cycle poverty.
However, upholding these intentions requires a good deal of financial support. As a non-profit organization, the foundation of our financial health derives from the generous contributions of the conscientious citizens and corporate organisations of the UK. We are campaigning to help support ongoing projects therefore, ask you to reflect on the problems of homelessness and hunger right beneath our nose, considering the value and necessity of the services MLSS provide.
Help us, help them.