Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) is a charity registered in England and Wales. Our mission is to support today’s young people with mindfulness skills, knowledge and attitudes that will benefit their lifelong wellbeing.
We achieve this through training teachers in evidence-based curricula for children and young people. This enables the training to be delivered and sustained in educational settings by classroom teachers and others.
We also support teachers’ ongoing teaching of mindfulness and personal practice; support schools with a whole school approach to mindfulness; advocate for evidence-based age specific mindfulness to be implemented in school curricula.
Published research and feedback from the communities we serve demonstrates that: for many children and young people mindfulness can be a game changer, nurturing positive health and wellbeing throughout childhood, adolescence, and adulthood; mindfulness-based approaches can also enable a greater sense of self-worth, kindness and compassion, hope, aspiration, agency and motivation for self and others; teachers can benefit too, from reduced work-based stress and more positive relationships with pupils.
Your support with our ‘Together for Wellbeing’ fundraising initiative will help us to ensure more children and young people from across a wide range of locations and backgrounds are given the opportunity to discover and practice mindfulness skills to support their mental health and flourishing now and into the future.
Please support MiSP by donating today!