We are a CHARITY ... We are NOT funded by the council!
We would ike to thank each of you for your donations toward the new Park Hub.
We will be setting up another fundraising appeal as a final push - which is finishing the building with it's furnishings and fittings .... we hope you will feel inspired to help us over this last hurdle.... keep checking our website for updates on how this will be happening - www.masterparkoxted.com .............................................*** ........................................
Each year we struggle to raise enough funds to maintain and improve this incredible 11.5 aces in the centre of Oxted. We need to build a multi-use Park Hub in order to generate a revenue stream to make Master Park sustainable, for the benefit of the community.
By building a highly visual, accessible & multi-use facility we will be able to maintain & improve the park as well as serving the community by creating a space for local activities, charities, clubs, sports, and gatherings.
We will have a cafe, public toilets, community rooms to rent and sport facilities.
NB. just a quick fact you might find interesting Mr Charles Hoskins Master, upon bequeathing the park to the community, wrote in our charter that the Park may not be used for any political, religious or propaganda purposes. This was in 1923!!! What Foresight!! By creating this rule, he has ensured that ALL people are welcome at the park, regardless of colour, creed, gender, class, political or religious leanings . This truly was a man of the people! and so, we now ask for your donation to continue this great Legacy
Whether its your: -
first time on a slide,
first kiss under a tree
or winning a coconut at the fun fair.
..... these are the kind of memories that a park can give thousands of families & for generations to come!!