We have launched this memorial fund honour our inspirational Mama Sue, founder of Children of Watamu and Happy House.
Since her sudden, and heartbreaking, passing two weeks ago we have received hundreds of wonderful and affectionate tributes to Sue.
They mean so much to her beloved husband, our Papa Dave, and to all the Happy House family.
Quite a number of people have asked about a memorial fund and we have, with Papa's blessing, decided to launch one today.
The last year and half has been a struggle with fundraising pretty much at a standstill because of the pandemic so every penny donated will be a huge help.
We have 58 children living in our care, that's one big family to support.
We feel a Memorial Fund is appropriate.
Mama Sue devoted 21 years of her life transforming the lives of children in need in Kenya.
She and Papa Dave gave up their lives in the UK in 2010, when the Happy House opened, to live in Kenya and direct the Happy House children's home and school.
Mama was an exceptional woman. She was determined and driven and refused to compromise saying "Every child, regardless of background, deserves the best."
That's what she gave them and what we will continue to give them - now and in the future.
We can only do this with your love, your support and your donations.
Some friends have already made donations and we are grateful to you.