Make More Meadows
Did you know?
In the UK we've lost over 95% of our wildflower meadows in the last 75 years. That means there are less special places for flowers, bees and other wildlife to grow, live and thrive. At the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust we want to help change this, before its too late!
Meadows support insects such as bees which are essential to pollinate some of our favourite fruits and vegetables. Not to mention how beautiful our wildflowers are and what an incredible habitat they create that buzzes with life.
Over the past 12 months with your help the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust's Make More Meadows campaign has exceeded its target, raising over £10,000 to create more habitats for pollinators. THANK YOU!
The current funding will support eight new sites, covering a total of 52 hectares. These meadows offer stepping stones for wildlife, enabling insects and plants to move across a wider area so that their species can thrive and be sustained.
But there is still so much more to do...that's why we're continuing our Make More Meadows campaign and aiming to raise £20,000 to help maintain existing meadows, restore those that have been neglected and work with landowners to create new meadows throughout the National Park.
We can't do it alone, by donating just £5 today you could help conserve over 400 square metres of meadow in the National Park for a year.
This is our National Park, let's protect it together!