The Bardoli Muslim Welfare Society UK through donations supports Madressa High School every year, sponsoring students from low financial backgrounds and their families by subsidising 50% of their school fees. In addition to this, the BMWS also provide students uniforms, text-books and note books to help with their studies.
On average £35 will subsidise one childs fees, books and uniform for a school year thus allowing them to gain an education to give them a better future.
Participating in child sponsorship can ensure that not only the child but their whole family has the possibility of a prosperous future where the skills learned can be utilised in driving the community forward.
Please specify with your donation message the split of Zakat, Sadaqah and Lillah e.g. £100 Donation, £50 Zakat, £30 Sadaqah and £20 Lillah
If you wish to donate to the BMWSUK by making a bank transfer, you will require the following account details:
Sort Code: 20-46-57
Account Number: 80187879
Bank: Barclays Bank Plc
To allow us to trace your donation, Could you please use a unique reference, such as your Name, postcode with door number etc. when making the transfer.