We now know that the Covid19 crisis has disproportionately impacted Black, Asian, and Minoritised Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) communities. In cities and towns across the country, BAMER groups are using their intimate knowledge of their communities to reach out and help the most vulnerable and excluded that others can't. The Mutual Aid response to Covid19 and the Black Lives Matter movement this year have shown us how powerful this community ties are. It is organisations like these who are at the forefront of the response to the Covid19 crisis, serving communities who are most affected by the pandemic.
However, they face an enormous challenge; most are very small and continue to operate with desperately limited resources. Their expertise and capacity to research and quickly respond to funding opportunities and maximise digital opportunities is very limited. Meanwhile, demand for their services is ever increasing.
BAMER organisations have seen their funding decrease by 70% over the last ten years and this decrease is being further compounded by the Covid19 crisis. With increased competition for income through traditional funding sources, organisations must adapt and innovate to maximise income generating opportunities and avoid closing.
Now is the time for entrepreneurship!
Money4YOU wants to deliver a practical solution for BAMER organisations that will support them to survive the challenges brought on by the Covid19 crisis and thrive beyond it. We have seen demand for our programmes multiply and we intend to meet it. We need your support to fund two programmes to help us empower BAMER communities:
This game-changing programme has been tried, tested and is a proven success. We focus on delivering operational efficiencies and driving fundraising success with BAMER charities and social enterprises, helping them to move on to the next stage of their development. They receive a mix of training and coaching on leadership, governance, finance and income diversification interventions. Since its inception four years ago, participants of the AVOCADO+ programme see improved compliance, better governance and can raise five times more than the amount invested in capacity building.
This hub will enable BAME led non-profits to network, collaborate and access tech tools, relevant training, resources and meaningful support for income generation. This is about building long term resilience, improve their chances of thriving beyond the crisis and enable them to do more of the great work they do now.
There are three ways that you can help:
Fundraise: Run, walk, squat, quiz with friends, family or colleagues. We have all been missing our favourite people over the last couple of months, what better reason to reconnect than through a fundraiser.
Donate: Ubele Initiative research indicates that 87% of BAMER led organisations could close this summer if there is no urgent intervention. We need to act now; donate here to bring us closer to our goals.
Share: 2020 has shown us that movements are made, and hearts and minds can be won online, through conversations and networks. Share this page on your social channels and through your networks, with your colleagues and help us build momentum.
We have the chance to build real resilience and innovation in the BAMER voluntary sector, and give organisations supporting the most marginalised in our society the opportunities to thrive. Support Money4YOU to be part of that change today.