Luton Clothing Bank supports people experiencing financial difficulty by providing free clothes, shoes towels and bedding. We've directly supported hundreds of people and distributed almost 10,000 items since November 2020. This includes people who are experiencing homelessness, are seeking asylum, fleeing domestic abuse, are unemployed or otherwise on a low income and cannot afford to buy the clothes they need.
We want to be able to provide every person that asks us for help with the items they need, and we think we can do that - but it means having the space, equipment and resources to collect, store, sort and redistribute all of the clothing donations that people can offer us.
Although lots of clothing items are given by the local commuinty, there are still one-off and on-going costs related to the project. All funds raised as part of this campaign will help us buy equipment (like tumble dryers and clothing rails), packaging (we have lots of requests of support and need the right size bags to be able to give things out to people in a dignified way), and to ensure we have enough space to run the project and cover other costs involved like volunteers' mileage expenses when they deliver items to people who are unable to travel.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far. Please give what you can if you are able to and you can find out more about the project at
Thank you!