The Lord Mayor of Leicester’s Charity Support for 2023-2024
The Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor of Leicester, Councillor Dr Susan Barton has chosen to support the work of Charity Link during her year in office.
Charity Link works to ensure that people in need are warm, safe and fed and have the basics in life that are important to us all. Founded in 1876 in Leicester, the charity expanded to work in Rutland and Leicestershire in 1975 and later began helping people in Northamptonshire from 2012.
Whether someone is facing a crisis, illness, disability or difficulty, Charity Link help people of all ages and backgrounds to ensure that those in financial hardship receive help. This includes, the elderly, victims of domestic violence, carers, people with chronic illness or disabilities, those impacted by job losses or low incomes and those who are affected by family breakdowns or bereavement. The Covid pandemic and now the cost of living crisis has seen even more vulnerable local people needing Charity Link’s help in recent times.
They offer help by providing everyday items that we all take for granted, such as clothes, household appliances, a bed to sleep in or a cooker to prepare a hot meal. Items may be relatively inexpensive, but can make a huge difference to people’s lives, in both the long and short term and their support often results in improvements to a person’s independence and their sense of well-being.
Imagine sleeping on a makeshift bed, being unable to prepare a hot meal for your family or your child being disadvantaged for not having a school uniform – Charity Link can make a real difference and by supporting the Lord Mayor’s Charity in any way you can, you will also help improve the lives of local people in need.
To find out more about the work of Charity Link, visit