Our multi-disciplined team deliver treatment for not only patients with cancer but those with other conditions such as motor neurone disease, Parkinsons disease and all other life-limiting illnesses.
To provide the best possible care, we work in tandem with each other and with other clinicians such as GPs, consultants and other medical professionals to ensure the patient is kept comfortable and informed about their condition while their families are supported for as long as they need too.
While our clinical team is outstanding at delivering emotional care, we also have a specially-trained team of experts who form the Family Support Team. The teams purpose is to provide world-class social, emotional and spiritual support for both patients and their families too.
This care is tailored to each person involved and it can be delivered in the comfort of the patients home or on-site at Jackson-Barstow House.
Every person in our care is seen as the special person they are. We always ask ourselves Would this be good enough for a member of our own families? We constantly do everything we can to make our patients happy. Weve hosted weddings, arranged for pets to visit and fulfilled many more last wishes.