I was born on the 4th December 2011 at 30 weeks gestation and weighing just 3lb 1oz , I was one of twins but sadly a few hours after we were born we lost my twin sister Layla. I then spent seven weeks and one day in the special care baby unit at one point around two weeks old I caught an infection called NEC I was then given full oxygen and rushed to a neonatal intensive care unit, in the time I was there I was giving all types of medication and at one point a blood transfusion , it took me around two weeks to get my full strength back and was then transferred back to the special care baby unit.
Since being out of hospital i have regular visits to my peadiatrician to check how i am getting on and at around 11months I went for an MRI scan about my sleeping, from this I was diagnosed with PVL Perventricular Leukomalacia, my mum and dad were told I would have learning disabilities throughout my life but only time would tell how severe it would be.
In August 2012 I was diagnosed with Cerebral palsy.
I have physiotherapy and occupational therapy on a daily basis, I work really hard on what's asked of me but at the same time we have lots of fun.
I am now a healthy 11 year old boy with such a big character , also I'm a proper little chatter box and love spending time with my family and friends.
I am currently able to roll and also sit unaided for a few for a bit, I can commando crawl but I am unable to walk independently but do have different types of equipment to help with everyday struggles. My left side is more affected which does cause me to use mainly my right side, my left hand is sometimes clenched especially when I'm concentrating which then makes it harder for me to do things on my own including holding cups, books and sometimes even my toys. Both of my legs are affected so i have splints to help correct my feet.
I also suffer with cramps and have alot of pain in my legs following any intense physio but it does not stop me as i always work hard in everything i do.
I am currently taking a medication to reduce and release the pain and tightness in my legs.
I am now at junior school and I enjoy every minute of it, I have met some amazing new friends and I am learning something different everyday. I have all my own equpiment here so i am able to join in with all the daily routines and activities, I also have regular physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy.
In October 2017 I had to have a double hip operation to reposition the angle of the ball and socket, I spent two weeks in hospital and a further six weeks in a brace to hold my hips in position, since having this done my hips are in a perfect position.
A year on and I have now had the plates removed, I will be closely monitored over the years with further X-rays to check to movement of my hips and will most likely be operated on again in around 5-6 years, this will continue until my body stops growing.
Over the last few months I have been suffering with absences, my consultant decided to put me forward for an EEG and in March 2020 I was diagnosed with focal epilepsy, I have now been given medication to keep this under control.
My mum, dad and family are asking for your help to donate to tree of hope to help me live an active life and for them to provide me with any extra types of equipment that I may need throughout my life that are not funded by the NHS to help me be more independent and mobile, also to help with everyday struggles that occur in and around the house.
This will also include any treatments or surgery that I may need in later life to enable me to live my life to the best of my ability so please dig deep and help give what ever you can.
Nothing is too small and we thank you for all your support.
Thank you
Logan Jai Denyer
7.5% of all donations to Tree of Hope in relation to this appeal will be allocated to the general charitable purposes of Tree of Hope to cover our core operating costs.
If we raise insufficient funds, or surplus funds, then the funds will be used, if appropriate, to fund support for our child’s needs in accordance with Tree of Hope’s charitable objects. If in those circumstances we are unable to use all or part of the funds for the benefit of our child in accordance with Tree of Hope’s charitable objectives, then any funds that cannot be used will be transferred to be used for the general charitable purposes of Tree of Hope.