Marches Family Network are a lifeline for hundreds of families in Herefordshire and the surrounding counties. Our sessions are the only inclusive, accessible and supported activities that many disabled children and young adults can access, on both the weekends and school holidays.
I love my Marches trips. The adults are so kind and fun. We go to lots of places and I make new friends. I have lots of fun. I do cool things and the grown ups help to keep me safe. I made lots of new friends too.
Will's mum Helena is one of our super hero's taking part in this year's London Landmarks Half Marathon. Her family have been supported by MFN for the past 2 years. Here's what Helena had to say about why she is taking part in this year's event:
Will is 12, is autistic and has ADHD - he never slows down! He is non verbal so it is really difficult for him to do the simple things in life like telling us what he wants or making friends.
MFN gives him the space to have fun and play with others. It also gives us space as a family to spent time with Will's younger sister Jenny that is just for her.
Where MFN comes into it's own for us is the long summer holidays. Will has always struggled with the lack of routine which added to his sometimes challenging behaviour.
The seven week break could start to feel like a pressure cooker
Will enjoys the sessions at MFN - it is a club of his own to go to. It also gives him and us some much needed routine and it allows us respite as well.
As I say, Will is on the go THE WHOLE TIME and non verbal certainly does not mean silent!
To say that MFN is a lifeline for our family would not be an understatement.