The community Palliative Care Nurse Specialist Service supports people with cancer or other life limiting conditions, who have complex physical and emotional needs. Clinical nurse specialists are experienced registered nurses who have additional training in cancer and palliative care. They provide specialist information and support where care cannot be easily managed by the patients GP or community nursing team.
All funds raised are used to directly support patients that have a palliative end of life diagnosis. In the past these funds have been used to buy items that enhance the experience of patients cared for by the East Coast Palliative Care Team. Items purchased include memory boxes, worry monsters, books to support children and young adults with understanding death and dying, bespoke items that help individuals to maintain independence for as long as possible, and shampoo caps to name just a few.
Your support will enable our team to continue to purchase these items that would not normally be paid for with NHS funding but make such a big difference to our patients - Thank you!