The ABA Commission on Homelessness and Poverty better connects individuals with needed legal services and breaks down legal barriers through its Homeless Court program, with nearly 70 Homeless Courts across the country.
The ABA Commission on Homelessness & Poverty (CHP) develops public policy and implements best practices for the ABAs community-based network of partners who work tirelessly to counter the injustices of poverty and homelessness. CHP educates the bar and the public about homelessness and poverty and the ways in which the legal community and advocates can assist those in need.
Homeless Court Program
Contact with the justice system can impede access to housing, employment, education, and more, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and homelessness for many Americans. The Commission on Homelessness & Poverty's Homeless Court Program is imperative to resolving convictions, fines and fees, and custody for homeless defendants, by bringing the courts to the streets. The Homeless Court Program connects individuals with social and health services as well as educational opportunities and has collaborated with local partners on nearly 70 Homeless Court Programs across the United States, reaching tens of thousands of individuals. Your donation will help end the cycle of poverty and homelessness and give hope to those who need it most.