Did you know a group of dedicated Muslim Hands volunteers are on their way to Lebanon right now to deliver your Sadaqah and Zakat to Syrian families living in refugee camps?
They will be distributing the family food parcels, warm clothes and blankets and fuel you have donated through our winter appeal. Many of these families live in cramped, flimsy tents and are completely dependent on your donations to survive.
They do not have the means to cook meals and often go hungry for days at a time. But thanks to your generosity, they will have the essentials they need to keep them warm and nourished this winter.
Our wonderful staff in Lebanon have identified 300 families that need immediate support. Alhamdulillah, you have already raised the funds to provide for 200 families. However, there are still 100 families that need your help this season and they are running out of time.
Alongside our own team, eight dedicated volunteers that have fundraised and given up their time to help the people living in these refugee camps are now enroute to Lebanon. They will be supporting our staff in the distribution of your donations to the families you have saved this winter, as well as preparing hot meals for and speaking with families in need.
Whichever believer feeds a hungry believer, Allah feeds him from the fruits of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection. [Tirmidhi]
We would like to take this moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for helping refugees in Lebanon survive this winter. If you havent given yet, help us reach the remaining 100 families with lifesaving winter relief.