"Join a team" by simply donating to that team! Fundraising notes: (1) You may donate to a team/captain WITHOUT committing to complete a 5k yourself; (2) if you do not share a connection to a particular team/captain, please consider donating to the LEAP Students & Alumni Team or another team that is yet to reach their goal; and (3) if you would like to form a new team or otherwise have questions, please email John Dudley at jdudley@leap4ed.org.
Last year, LEAP's operating expenses totaled more than $1.5 million, enabling LEAP programs to run at no cost to local students all year long -- and just over $1 million in vital support was raised from passionate individual donors, corporate partners, and foundation grant investors.
Right now, LEAP is ready for further growth, planning to serve 500+ local youth, from middle school through post-secondary pursuits, and to empower these students to achieve social and economic mobility by cultivating personal, educational, and career growth.
To create this reality, we need your help! Please "join" an existing team by simply visiting that team's page below and donating to a team captain and in turn, LEAP's mission. The suggested "registration donation" per participant is $25, though increased generosity is most welcome and appreciated. (*Important note: When making your donation, we encourage you to "Checkout as Guest" to avoid needing to create an account or log in using Facebook.)
Each team has a minimum fundraising goal of $500, and as with our students, we want everyone involved in the Virtual 5k to pursue their unique goals, whatever they may be!
Activity notes: (1) Participants may choose to complete the 5k at their own pace, on their own schedule, and in their own way (run, jog, walk, scoot, glide, bike, Uber?); (2) Team Captains may choose to coordinate its team members' 5k logistics, or not; (3) and tracking team members' participation in / completion of the 5k is completely up to the discretion and preferred method of each Team Captain.
When you/your team members prepare for, progress along, or celebrate completion of the 5k, please consider posting photos to all social media platforms and be sure to include this hashtag below -- and tag us using @LEAP4Ed on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; or @LEAP For Education Inc. on LinkedIn -- so LEAP staff and everyone else can follow along with you!
To become eligible for select awards, visit and complete the form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGC8Va82VFF4b2ihAyNeXWfAtPdH3xSz0SSfxUpF0P5cxvNQ/viewform
I Ran So Far Away - For the team / individual who completes the 5k the greatest distance from the LEAP Teen Center in Salem, MA.
Get Funky - For the team / individual who completes the 5k in the most creative or unusual fashion or location.
LEAP Into Action - For the team that has the most members who complete the 5k.
Student Team Spirit - For the most active LEAP student program group.
Raise 'Em Up - For the team with the greatest fundraising total.
It Takes a Village - For the team with the most individual donors.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact John Dudley at jdudley@leap4ed.org. Thank you for supporting LEAP's mission and students through the Virtual 5k!
This program helped me realize that others go through similar situations, and knowing that makes me feel less alone and more open emotionally. It has also helped me develop my ability to interact with others which I continue to improve. - Johan, LEAP Teen Center participant, Brothers for Success Program