It is two years since we opened and there is already so much to celebrate! LCH has become a much valued part of the North Leatherhead community for people of all ages to connect, learn, have fun and find the support they need to thrive:
• Our friendly and affordable Café has become a second home and support network to many, with over 1500 visitors a month.
• We have built a wonderful team of 7 staff and over 50 volunteers who look after the Hub and run events.
• 32 local groups and organisations regularly hire the Hub, helping to build community and reduce social isolation.
• The Advice Café, Community Fridge, and Foodbank have provide food and other vital support to over a thousand local residents.
But this is just the beginning.. After careful preparation, our Trustees have agreed to take on a 25-year lease for the whole building. This means we can invest in the other side of the building, including a new meeting space and toilets for the Preschool and other users of the main hall.
We have already raised £50,000 of our £80,000 goal from the council and private donations. Please help us to achieve our fundraising target of £30,000, by making a donation - small or large. Thank you!
The Cafe means everything to us, like a warm, friendly, caring family. You make us feel loved and part of the community. Thank you so much. (Local resident)
"I love feeling part of my community and getting to know the other people in my neighbourhood. It has given me a purpose and made me feel valued. (LCH volunteer)