Set up in 1983 by a group of local parents, our mission is to provide opportunities for the personal development of young people and their families in the local community through participation in a range of water-based activities.
We aim to be a positive force for changing lives in a safe and supportive environment. We target disadvantaged, disabled and vulnerable young people, are open 7 days a week throughout the year and had over 4,000 visits in 2022.
As a grassroots sports club and youth club we rely on donations to keep the gates open and continue providing high quality youth work to the community.
Parent of a young person who attends the club:
"Your support helped him grow and make steps forward. Laburnum has helped him to be less isolated and have access to his peers. In a way it has helped us to survive as a family."
Parent of a teenager who attends Youth Club:
"It really is a wonderful environment for young people to be working out friendships and conflict, as well as developing so much in the sport, in leadership and in confidence. To have achieved so much as a young teenager is amazing! My child has been through so much and through many struggles, LBC continues to be a "happy place" for them. Thank you for being there and providing valuable space for them to talk things through."
To find out more about what we do and how you can support us visit our website at or find us on your favourite social.