Leicester-based mental health charity, Lamp has launched its major Lamp 5k fundraising campaign for 2023. This years campaign will take place from 15-21 May, as part of Mental Health Awareness Week, and focuses on the positive impact that physical exercise has on mental health.
The theme of this years Lamp 5k campaign is Climbing mountains for mental health and will highlight that physical activity is good for your mental health and wellbeing. People will be challenged to walk, run, swim, ride or take part in any activity to achieve the 5k distance, and raise funds for Lamp in the process. The charity also wants to spotlight people who overcome obstacles to their mental health and wellbeing in everyday life.
On average, it costs around £750 for Lamp to help to navigate someone through the complexities of mental health and empower them to rebuild their life. Participants in the Lamp 5k are encouraged to get sponsorship for each kilometre covered/challenge achieved/mountain overcome to collectively raise £29,000 the height of Mount Everest in feet.
Lamps 5k challenge is now its third year and it has set the ambitious fundraising target this year to support the charitys increasing number of service users and carers who need mental health advocacy throughout Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
Visit our webpage on www.lampadvocacy.co.uk/lamp5k to find out more about how you can get involved and download our fundraising pack