KXMC is a Methodist Church in London with three services conducted in Cantonese, Mandarin and English. We are a familial and close-knit congregation, actively seeking to put into action the principle of loving our neighbours as ourselves through our work in the community, and believe no-one is beyond the reach of God's love. In the winter months, we provide an overnight shelter to the homeless and supply them with a warm dinner, bed and breakfast. In partnership with C4WS the Camden homeless project, we host a lunchtime club every Friday, which is open to anyone who would like to receive a meal with good company, friendship and a prayer. Further information can be found on our website: http://www.kxmc.org.uk/social-work. Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. (Acts 20.35).
With God's love and compassion, we help gamblers who have come to Christ to re-assess their values, re-establish their life, and restore their relationship with their families.
Originally stemming from our outreach project in 2012, we provide lunch and community space for people living locally and travellers passing through Kings' Cross in our Chicken Chow Mein ministry.
A large part of our church members have a Chinese background and to help preserve and continue the unique culture through to the next generation, we are seeking to establish a Chinese school for children to attend and are in need of funds for this.
All the above meaningful ministries are run by volunteers at our church who selflessly give up their free time to make them happen. To allow us to continue running these ministries we rely on donations from our church members and generous people like you.