Since opening last year, we have always known that giving our community the ability to regulate their sensory system is key to relieving anxiety and regulating our bodies. For some people, not being able to regulate is a barrier to them attending our groups.
Many people think that sensory equipment is all lights and poppits! In fact, good quality sensory equipment can have a massive impact on how a person can interact with our groups. Many of our groups are run after school and some of the young people who access us do not have the ability to regulate themselves and enjoy the groups properly.
Spinning, rocking, climbing, bouncing and interacting with different textures and equipment are all key ways for autistic and neurodivergent people to regulate their senses (there are many more ways too). You can find out more here.
We currently do not have any sensory equipment at the hub and any toys that we have do not last very long as they are not commercial grade.
We hope to raise enough to invest in a ball pool, wobble board, fiber optic lights, gym balls, bubble tubes, sensory tiles, building blocks, a spinning toy and lots, lots more.
Most importantly, the equipment must be good quality and able to withstand the different age groups that will use it.