A team of gutsy runners of mixed abilities and experience are coming together to run either the full Vitality Big Half marathon, or a leg of the relay, to raise much needed funds for Kilmorie Primary School. Their training journey has been even harder this year, due to the extreme heat and the timing of the event, which has meant they have had to keep training throughout the summer holidays.
The money raised by the Kilmorie Big Half team will fund additional resources for the benefit of the pupils at the school, at a time when school budgets are under even more pressure than usual given the soaring cost of food, energy and wage bills.
In past years, Friends of Kilmorie, as the school PTA, has contributed money towards IT, playground and gardening equipment and curriculum books, subsidised the cost of school trips and given each teacher an dedicated amount to spend on their classrooms. During 2021/22, over £13,000 was donated to the school towards a major project to enhance the early years outside spaces. For 2022/23, priorities are likely to be around upgrading existing old and outdated IT kit, including replacing audio-visual equipment for the school hall.
Every contribution, no matter how small, can help make a huge difference to the experience of Kilmorie children so please sponsor the team if you can! Thank you for your support.