Dao Tien Endangered Primate Species Centre works hard to rehabilitate and release victims of the black market trade back to the forest. Pygmy and Bengal slow loris are often hunted from the wild for illegal pets, or for traditional medicine.
At the centre, they are rehabilitated back to health, paired up and given vital experience in the trees before being released back into protected forest on Cat Tien National Park.
Forested enclosures are a vital stepping stone back to the wild, and the value cannot be overestimated of getting loris back into the trees as soon as possible. Dao Tien would like to build more forested enclosures to get these guys back to the forest as soon as possible, and would love your help to do so.
They also need radio collars, to track the loris for a year after release to ensure they are doing well back in the wild. These collars automatically drop off after a year. £150 can buy one radio collars. We currently have 17 loris preparing for release at Dao Tien- could you help with their rehabilitation?