Josh was born in 2016 and was very premature (30 weeks). Weighing in a just 3lbs Josh was very poorly after birth. He had severe Jaundice, a bowel infection and blood transfusion's due to anaemia.
7 years later we have a happy cheeky little man who has a passion for animals and Oreo biscuits. Josh attends a mainstream school and has lots of lovely friends.
Josh's therapy will always be a part of his life but he works so hard and tries his best.
Josh has weekly private physio therapy, swimming lessons and horse riding. In addition to the private therapy Josh also has specialist equipment at home that he grows out of such as benches and tripods. We also take Josh private for AFO's (orthotics for his legs that he wears daily). Without these he is unable to weight-bare through his legs to stand. The AFO’s need to be replaced when he grows out of them which is normally every 18 months. Josh also has a wheelchair that we brought from his funding. He uses it every day so we feel it’s important that he gets to choose the style and colour of his choice.