"Living with conditions that affect balance function can be challenging, but incorporating regular movement into your daily routine is crucial for maintaining and even improving balance.
Movement helps to strengthen muscles, improve coordination, and enhance proprioception, which is your body's ability to sense its position in space.
By engaging in activities such as walking, stretching or yoga, you can build strength in the muscles that support balance and improve overall stability.
Movement can also help to boost confidence and reduce the risk of falls, ultimately leading to a better quality of life.
Beginning on 1st April, start your fitness journey and raise awareness of Acoustic Neuromas/Vestibular Schwannomas by completing 5,000 steps a day for 10 days!
Why 5,000 for 10 days? Because it is estimated that each year, 1 in 50,000 people are diagnosed with this condition.
Need a step counter? These are available from £9.99 on Amazon. Remember to use the easyfundraising app to receive additional donations for BANA."
Hashtags you could use: #SpringIntoSpring #PutASpringInYourStep #KeepMovingForward #MovementForChange #Fundraising #Charity