As-Salaamu 'Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu
We pray you are in the best state of health and imaan - inshAllah.
Jamiatul Ummah School and Madrasah is an Independent Boys Secondary in Tower Hamlets. Alhamdulillah, the schools had been growing in strength every year and is currently ranked the top performing school in the borough and in 2016 was ranked the 42nd best school in England (Daily Telegraph).
Every year, we have over 80 pupils studying to be Hafidh-al-Quran and an additional 90-100 pupils studying 'Alimiyah alongside their GCSEs. Alhamdulillah, with the grace of Allah, between 10-15 pupils complete memorisation of the Quran every year and lead prayers and Taraweeh in Mosques across London.
Our pupils perform amongst the best in the country in their GCSE and go on to top colleges, sixth-forms and Russel Group universities, including Oxford and Cambridge, alhamdulillah.
We charge modest fees to achieve this amazing position and have been doing so for over 20 years. However, the building the school occupies is very old and is a Grade II listed property.
Jamiatul Ummah Madrasah is in the process of conducting some major refurbishment works to the schools heating and electrical systems. Our boilers are over 50 years old and the electrical wiring in the building is unsuitable for newer technologies such as computer servers, telephone and internet services.
Alhamdullillah, with your continuous duas, and the support of Dawatul Islam, some of the work has been completed, but there is yet much left to finish.
These refurbishment works are projected to cost in excess of £210,000.
Jamiatul Ummah Madrasah is expected to pay at least £125,000 towards these cost as it is the largest and most frequent user of the building. The remainder is expected to be paid by other projects who operate in the same premises.
We are pleading to your generous nature to support us in raising funds to cover this extremely important refurbishment programme for Jamiatul Ummah School and Madrasah. The fees we collect from our parents are simply not enough to cover this cost. Alhamdulillah, the contractors have agreed to allow us to pay in instalments over the next three years.
In this blessed month of Ramadan, we would like you to support the school by fundraising through our JustGiving page.
Just imagine the sheer amount of rewards you will attain. Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that deeds (such as charity) will be multiplied by 70 times during the month of Ramadan. In other prophetic hadith, it is said that Allah alone will determine the multiplication and there is no limit to His generosity.
Please do not lose out on this immense opportunity for reward. Help Jamiatul Ummah School and Madrasah this Ramadan.